
Any term included in the glossary is automatically underlined within these tutorials. If you need a quick reference to the term, just hover your mouse over it. Clicking will take you to the full definition.

Getting started

  1. October 9, 2011

    How To Make Pulp Ala Miranda Rook

    by Miranda Rook
    How To Make Pulp Ala Miranda Rook

    Miranda uses glossy magazine paper and egg cartons to make her pulp.

  2. November 10, 2006

    Wendy's Way

    by Wendy Harford
    Wendy's Way

    Wendy Harford lifts the lid on the techniques she uses for her fabulous creations.

  3. February 6, 2005

    Some Advanced Papier Mache Recipes

    by Martin Favreau
    Some Advanced Papier Mache Recipes

    Martin Favreau shares with us his tried and tested recipes for pulped papier mache.

  4. September 12, 2002

    Getting Started with Papier Mache

    by Jackie Hall
    Getting Started with Papier Mache

    The basics you need to know to get started with this art form.


  1. May 1, 2016

    The Magic Faraway Tree

    by Dee Dale
    The Magic Faraway Tree

    Delightful paper mache tree house based on Enid Blyton's The Magic Faraway Tree

  2. January 14, 2014

    Recycling For Beginners

    by Branka Kordic
    Recycling For Beginners

    Recycle an ugly plastic bottle into a lovely useful storage container.

  3. August 12, 2012

    A Cartonnage Bird

    by Scylla Earls
    A Cartonnage Bird

    Scylla’s version of cartonnage - how to make a cartonnage bird

  4. February 8, 2011

    Bumble - The Abominable Snowman

    by Dorothy Pizzuti
    Bumble - The Abominable Snowman

    Artist and sculptress Dorothy has just turned her hand at papier mache - and what an impressive beast!

  5. A dramatic flower from found materials and papier mâché techniques

    Here is a lovely tutorial from Nives Cicin Sain. The flower is made from all found materials.

  6. January 15, 2009

    Giant head

    by Ricky Patassini
    Giant head

    Ricky Patassini was commissioned to make a giant sized head of David Oppenheimer and this is how he did it.

  7. December 30, 2008


    by Louie Rochon

    A giant sized project by Louie Rochon. He takes us through every step of the way from basic design to despatch of the finished piece.

  8. April 21, 2007

    Mermaid Marionette

    by Charlotte Hills
    Mermaid Marionette

    Make a charming mermaid puppet - fun to make and play with.

  9. October 12, 2006

    Blue Tit

    by David Osborne
    Blue Tit

    David demonstrates how to make a realistic, lightweight paper mache blue tit.

  10. September 14, 2006

    Sally Cats

    by David Osborne
    Sally Cats

    David's Sally Cats are quick and simple to make.

  11. July 16, 2006

    Tiki Mask

    by Donald Drennan
    Tiki Mask

    With Donald Drennan's help you can make yourself stand out with this realistic Tiki mask.

  12. May 26, 2006

    Bottle Indian

    by Pun Hui Falkenhainer
    Bottle Indian

    This tutorial will show you how to make lovely little Indian figures from throwaway plastic bottles.

  13. February 12, 2006

    Killer Chicken

    by Louie Rochon
    Killer Chicken

    A whacky cartoon sculpture of the "Killer Chicken".

  14. December 15, 2005


    by Louie Rochon

    Louis Rochon designed and created these wonderful "FisHeads" and shows us how it is done.

  15. December 15, 2005

    Fish Mobile

    by Pun Hui Falkenhainer
    Fish Mobile

    An attractive decorative mobile using just clear film, tissue paper and wire.

  16. November 6, 2005

    Pedestal Throne

    by Jilly Tinniswood
    Pedestal Throne

    Jilly Tinniswood demonstrates eco-friendly furniture making with this delightful pedestal throne.

  17. July 5, 2005

    Boston Terrier

    by Pat Little
    Boston Terrier

    Directions to make a lovely Boston Terrier which you could easily adapt to any other breed of dog.

  18. May 26, 2005

    Comical Conical Dog

    by Pat Little
    Comical Conical Dog

    Follow Pat's simple instructions to make a cute, comical dog.

  19. April 16, 2005

    Daisy Flower

    by Pun Hui Falkenhainer
    Daisy Flower

    Bring the sunshine into your home with these delightful daisies.

  20. February 28, 2005


    by Curtis Manges

    Curtis Manges shows us in detail how he made a superb papier mache giraffe and gives plenty of tips and ideas to get your model as realistic as possible.

  21. January 30, 2005

    2D to 3D

    by Pun Hui Falkenhainer
    2D to 3D

    Pun Hui shows how to turn a simple 2D picture into a stunning 3D papier mache model.

  22. November 17, 2004

    Lamp Shade

    by Ricardo Gonzales
    Lamp Shade

    Ricardo Gonzales has designed this stunning papier mache lamp shade which would enhance any room.

  23. March 29, 2004

    Olde Worlde Bunny

    by Lynne O'Brien
    Olde Worlde Bunny

    An introduction to the use of moulds with pulped papier mache.

  24. March 6, 2004

    Papier Mache Doll

    by Pun Hui Falkenhainer
    Papier Mache Doll

    This delightful tutorial will give you invaluable help in making yourself a lovely papier mache doll.

  25. March 7, 2003


    by Pun Hui Falkenhainer

    Make a parade of colourful penguins using long, straight balloons.

  26. February 11, 2003

    Little Old Men

    by Terry Bishop
    Little Old Men

    Terry shows us how to make these lovable little old men, each with their own unique character.

  27. October 27, 2002

    Day of the Dead Skull

    by Raul Aguilar
    Day of the Dead Skull

    Step by step guide to make colourful skulls in ancient Mexican tradition.

  28. October 12, 2002

    Miniature Halloween Decorations

    by Raul Aguilar
    Miniature Halloween Decorations

    Instructions to make fun little halloween decorations of devils, witches, cats, pumpkins and skulls!

  29. September 11, 2002

    Bowled Over

    by Jackie Hall
    Bowled Over

    These papier mache bowls are easy and fun to make, using the layering method of papier mache.

  30. September 10, 2002


    by Rozani Navas-Smith

    These easy steps will guide you through the basics needed to complete a generic piñata.

  31. September 10, 2002

    3D Van Gogh

    by Leaflin
    3D Van Gogh

    Make a 3D papier mache picture to hang on your wall.

  32. September 7, 2002

    Bird Houses

    by Terry Bishop
    Bird Houses

    Recycle those waxed juice and milk cartons... Turn them into a birdhouse!

  33. September 7, 2002

    Make a Papier Mache Mask

    by Karen Farr Lee
    Make a Papier Mache Mask

    Let Karen show you the magic and mystery of bringing a mask to life!

  34. September 7, 2002

    Miniature Figures

    by Pun Hui Falkenhainer
    Miniature Figures

    Korean artist Pun Hui passes on her skills in making lifelike figurines.

  35. September 3, 2002


    by Terry Bishop

    All you need to know to make these ever popular seasonal characters.