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T'was the week before Christmas and all through the season, I pondered so hard why there must be a reason. I'm speaking of course, of the projects we make, like snowmen, pinatas or fruits that are fake. Occasional lumping and shaping of things adds pleasures and treasures, the mache' season brings. On crumpling, on shaping, on sculpting and more. Let's add some more goop on these projects galore. So, Jackie and family and visitors too, remember there's always a project for you.
Hugs & :!: Yuletide Greetings, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas, Joyeaux Noel, etc., etc., etc. from Rozani
Thanks Rozani,
You certainly have the same skill with words as you do with papier mache!
Merry Christamas to you, all our other contributors, artists in the gallery and visitors too from all at The Papier Mache Resource.