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I finally got fed up with waiting for drying, and found a way to stay productive during this time. Here's what you do:
Work on three projects at once! While one is drying, move on to the next. When that is drying, move onto the next. By this time, your first project is dry and you can continue on it.
But, you knew that already, right? Well, if you didn't, now you do!
SHEESH! It's been 3 weeks and I still haven't completed a single thing! I'm getting pretty close on the first project, but I'm not there yet.
Oh! And one other thing. You don't need water for paper mache. You'll have plenty of sweat to wet things with, LOL!
Hi Lengo
I'm getting a little concerned with your obsession with time factors and the filling of your time. Is there something your not telling us .
Like yourself I work on several projects at a time. The last six I have just finished there are a few mid way, some pieces I'm messing about with and now I'm just planing the new projects.
How's your fat belly man coming along :?: Hope to see a photo of him soon.
Yeah. There is something I haven't said.
First off, I'm a perfectionist. I want this durable. When I want smooth, I mean smooth! I don't like not knowing, and I don't have a lot of time.
I am disabled. I have osteo-arthritis in my upper back and neck. I can work for two hours, then I gotta lay down 'cause it hurts so bad. If I hunt for information, I can do this for about two hours, then I gotta lay down 'cause it hurts so bad. I can sand for two hours, then I gotta lay down 'cause it hurts so bad. If I shop at the craft store, I'm good for two hours, then I gotta lay down. Also, when shopping, and thanks to relying solely on SSD benefits, I don't have a lotta money!
I can't afford to waste time. I can't afford to waste money. I get 50% of a day into my paper mache if I'm not doing other STOOPID THINGS, like grocery shopping, or getting a haircut, or...... 'cause then I gotta lay down!
Sheesh! I hate this! :shock:
And I want a NICE finished product, that's build correctly -- structurally for strength and pretty too. I want the best I can do, not second best.
The goal is 1 - make lovely things. 2 - sell some for extra income. 3 give some away as presents, and share what I learn with others to give a little back while I can.
Now send me supplies, damnit! And come do my sanding too! And if you know any Malaysians that will work cheap (like 25 cents an hour), point me at em, eh?
Mr Balloon belly now has a name. He is Gus DaConducta. He will lead the philharmonic orchestra.
I've been stumped. I couldn't find what I need to make a smooth face and facial features. That problem was solved today. I found out about Paper Clay. Now I can build his face (first thing tomorrow).
His bow tie is made, his tuxedo jacket is unfinished but mostly built (the tails and lapels). And his shoes are ready for paint, but I gotta attach them first which will happen last.
He's gonna be CUTE! Almost as cute as me!
Thanks for asking. Now what are you working on? Sumpin' cool, I bet!
p.s. I FINALLY got to do some painting today. This was a first! I painted a small steamer trunk for practice. I've been looking forward to painting, but also with fear. I didn't have much confidence, but it's growing. Painting is the coolest!
Disney studios here I come! 8) (yeah right)
Practice makes perfect, they say. :shock:
The more you do, the more you will know what NOT to do. It KILLS me to discover that I should have done something another way (too late, of course), and I have to spend hours correcting the original mistake.
Yeah, that too. Getting it wrong and having to start over is frustrating. erm... frustrating. No I mean FRUSTRATING!
You never told me the link to your gallery. At least tell me your last name so I can find your stuff. I'm betting it rocks! I LOVE THIS STUFF! (this and Precious Metal Clay jewelry).
The one thing that I both love and hate about papier-mache is that it takes time. I do like the fact that papier-mache teaches me patience. It also teaches how to stop being such a perfectionist because the medium isn't always going to be perfect. Sometimes after I am done, I will smile to myself because I like the character that small flaws give to a project. It reminds me of that line that Leonard Cohen sings: 'There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in.'
And sometimes those flaws make me want to tear my hair out.
I always have a least three projects on the go because of the drying time factor. I really should have more, but there is always the space factor. I should really try to arrange my working space to try and get more projects in.
Lengo, if you mean me, I have no gallery. I don't have photo capability. I also have this nasty perfectionist streak and burned a lot of my stuff. The rest I donated to a cat shelter fundraising sale. I don't know if it sold or if it was some of the stuff carted off by the United Cerebral Palsy truck.
I've hit kind of a wall, mentally. Sort of like not wanting to get into a car after an accident. You would think I had been beaten up by a PM cow or something, wouldn't you? But nothing that definite.
It of makes me look kind of hypocritical, doesn't it?
Oh, well, someday I will move onward. I've made some molds that I want to use for PM. I look at them nearly every day.
Well, do you have pictures somewhere? I'd like to see your work!
I know what you mean about expense. I thought this would be cheap, but all the little things add up.
I'd advise you NOT to burn your work. You may end up wanting a piece you destroyed. Besides, you can always give 'em away as gifts. You may not like it, but someone else might.
I don't hink I'd abandon PM, but there's other stuff I'd like to try. I'm gonna try that with the Krylon on metal. I'd like to make some jewelry pendants out of precious metal clay, too. That stuff is really pretty!
At any rate, lets see some of your stuff. You must have SOME pictures online somewhere.
p.s. I keep thinking I'll abandon this perfectionist attitude, but I keep coming back to it. I figger the piece is gonna be on display for a long time, so I need to make it as good as I can. Still..... this is making me nuts!
Hi Lengo
It's me your confusing with cat person about the gallery try page 2 UK flag and Im a Susan in the gallery not a Sue. Lots of Mirrors and bowls.
Sorry to hear about osteo-arthritis my mother has it so I know how it goes. I was concerned about your drying time as you were really quick with making some of your pieces we don't want any mold growing inside .
Cat person I did look through all the gallery to see if I could find you a while ago. Now I know why. Jakie & David have got theirs come on we are a big mixed bag in the gallery and if I can anybody can.
Bbee do you have a gallery ? We will let Lengo off as he has to finish his work first.
Ok, Snoozysnowshoes, Suzy, Sue, Susan! Sheesh! Ya think you might clear this up!
If you're Susan Oldfield, I'm terribly humbled. My gawd your stuf rocks! The Fairy Bubble Bowl, the Grim Grail, the Bowls... heck everything! They're's incredible! The pic of the stall is overwhelming!
Girrrrlllll! How can I keep with that?
Here's my first completed (well, almost) piece.
It needs a latch and hinges. I bought some but they sucketh.
I made the lining paper on the computer. I also scaled a photo of stickers on the puter so they'd be the right size. I painted acrylic jewelry beads gold to make the rivets. The box is a premade from the craft store.
This is a very simple piece, as you can see. I've named it "Take A Trip!" You can store your psychedelic drugs in it!
These are not gallery quality pics though. I gotta set up my light tent and get the right color balance and take more time shooting it. These pictures are WRONG! ( excuses, excuses!) But it's my first finsished one!
Gus is still in the works. I would have a picture but I SCREWED UP the photos. He's got a tuxedo coat, vest, bowtie, shoes. I gotta do his face and his jacket sleeves. Then.... sheesh! Gesso, I guess. But wait. He still needs his legs fixed. He also needs...... HEY! He needs to pay me for putting clothes on him!
Yes thats me .
Glad you like it.
Nice trunk it looked big until i saw the next picture and you were holding it.
You should make your own hinges I make mine when i make boxes.
I use paper straws rolled in paper to make them stronger and cut into four pieces. Two pieces are fixed to the lid and the other two fixed to the box so when you close the box up all the straws are in line and even. now take a piece of wire wrap in paper when dry put through the straws and stop up the ends and there you have it a hinge.
I have to say fix to the lid first then close the box then line up and fix to the box. .
Lengo, if you mean me, I have no gallery. I don't have photo capability. I also have this nasty perfectionist streak and burned a lot of my stuff. The rest I donated to a cat shelter fundraising sale. I don't know if it sold or if it was some of the stuff carted off by the United Cerebral Palsy truck.
I've hit kind of a wall, mentally. Sort of like not wanting to get into a car after an accident. You would think I had been beaten up by a PM cow or something, wouldn't you? But nothing that definite.
It of makes me look kind of hypocritical, doesn't it?
Oh, well, someday I will move onward. I've made some molds that I want to use for PM. I look at them nearly every day.
I hope that this isn't something too personal to be asking, but did you stop because some outside situation happened, or did you stop because of something that happened inside you.
You can tell me to mind my own business if I am being too curious. I won't mind.
I don't think you look hypocritical. I think you look like you are on a papier-mache vacation.
Yes thats me
Glad you like it.
Okay, Snoozy.
No I don't like it after all. I love it!
I may copy you to some degree. Is that alright? I'm thinking of doin the Green Art Mirror. Something similar at least. I like the graceful curves!
Been a long time since any one has made a comment about my graceful curves . If you feel inspired by my work help yourself Lengo I don't mind.
Been a long time since any one has made a comment about my graceful curves
I doubt that it's you. As men get older, they lose more and more interest in the opposite sex. You're fine. We're just too busy with our hobbies!
p.s. If you're willing, fly across the Atlantic and the US to Oregon and I'll admire your curves!