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hi there.
im new and love the info on this site.
im about to attempt my first paper mache creation and im wondering if i can store the paste?
Have a look at Martin Favreau's tutorial, from the link on the home page. It is excellent. The dry pulp he describes can be kept indefinitely.
A moist mix would probably keep a week or two, even a month, if cool and sealed. You can put a small amount of bleach in to prevent deterioration.
Just suck it and see (not literally)
Has dopapier said and i wrote in the tutorial dry pulped papier maché is the best sollution since you can keep it stored for an indifinite time period but wet paste lasts 2 to 3 weeks tops in the fridge..NEVER FREEZE IT!!!! when you put paste in the freezer it creates air bubbles in the mix that fill up with ice so when you unfreeze it to work with it the bubbles keep the trapped water in them thus incresing the chances of having fungus and mold seep in your papier maché
I usually make enough paste for the project at hand....i sometimes keep it in the fridge for a week tops....I use flour and water so feel it`s not so bad just to ditch the left over each time i finish a project.
I use a paste of wallpaper paste and white glue for my papier-mache. I find that it will keep for at least a week in a sealed jar without any noticable difference.
I am new to this though, so maybe I am just missing something. I haven't noticed any difference in my projects though. :?