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I only found this great web site today!!! and maybe the answer I have been looking for, I need to know if it is possible to make a folder like a file with compartments from paper mache? Or even a box, but it must have compartments, would this be too difficult & too expensive? I want it to light weight and durable, but not tacky!! :oops:
Does anyone know of such a creation?
As I said at the start this is my first visit to the site so I'm so for my lack of knowledge.
Hello Denise and Welcome!
The sky is the limit. It is totally up to you. Check out the examples in the tutorials within this site, as well as previous discussions on similar topics. It may just be a matter of adapting a project to your specific need. There have been boxes, chests, books, etc. which have been made and/or discussed on this site and other similar sites. The basics apply to most any project. It's a matter of trial and error. though the technique is simple, the mechanics may not be practical for papier mache. However, don't know until you try.
Good luck.