
Commision custom made Sauron helmet & shoulder pieces
helmet weighs 800 gramms


Mark Patraw

Mark Patraw

July 12, 2013 at 2:38PM

Excellent rendition of the motion picture's interpretation of Sauron! You're lucky the client didn't want the entire suit of armor--I'd imagine that'd take forever to make.

Miranda Rook

Miranda Rook

July 15, 2013 at 8:19PM

Thank you for the compliment Mark
It took me 8 weeks to finish
It's not a full helmet as the client wanted the back open, so all dimensions had to be changed to get all the spikes on. The eye holes are much larger than the original and there is a cut out on one of the sides.
The shoulders have 3 spikes instead of 6
The rest of the costume was made out of fabric and the overall result was rather magnificent

I am making the tower now as a stand for the mask.

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