Catherine Kirkwood

A Gang of Cats

By Catherine Kirkwood | 3 comments 3 comments


Our Pet Polo, looking over the paper cats!


Lola Quiros

Lola Quiros

March 1, 2013 at 11:09AM

Beautiful 5 cats!

Catherine Kirkwood

Catherine Kirkwood

March 1, 2013 at 3:47PM

Thankyou Lola, Polo is on his best behaviour!

Mark Patraw

Mark Patraw

March 18, 2013 at 2:55PM

Nice arrangement of cats; I like that you varied the fur/clothing color to make each one distinct.

Did you have trouble getting the cat to pose? I know that whenever I try to get one or our cats, or the hyperactive dog (thinking it was a treat, he gulped up, and spit out, my recent Muttshroom figure when I was trying to get a shot of him with it), to pose with a papier mache project, they are decidedly uncooperative.

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