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Hi, I am involved in a local playgroup and I'm looking for a supplier of pre-made papier mache picture frames for the children to paint and make gifts for Easter. I've spent some time trawling the internet without any luck.
Does anyone have any ideas as to where I can source pre-made objects for painting? I would be willing to change the idea if I find something else suitable.
Thanks very much
i dont know if they still exist but there was a chocolate factory that made chocolat picture frames for easter about 2 or 3 years should call a local chocolat store to ask for one of these chocolates and use the vacuum formed plastic for holding it up to mold your papier maché pieces : ) a simple thick coat of paperpulp in the mold and voila.
My Sweetheart has her own kindergarden class and we tried it out last year ( mixing , pouring , drying and painting the pieces with the kids ) they totaly loved it and the mess was half has bad has i taught it would be should try it out
ah another option i forgot is to used cheap hollowed out plastic picture frames has molds : )
Hi Melf,
Thanks a lot for your ideas they're much appreciated.