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have the pieces made by my elementary school papier mache class in my car. They're finished and painted. However, because of time pressures, I wasn't able to waterproof the tempera paint first.
Is there a way I can coat the pieces with something that will 1) waterproof them, 2) make them shiny, and 3) NOT smell?
Sense -- there was a suggestion on this forum sometime ago regarding waterproofing and the use of marine paint. I'm clueless as to whether or not there is clear marine paint.
I use Tripp's clear polyurethane as a sealer. While it may have some waterproofing properties after two or three coats, I wouldn't guarantee that part of it.
Guess I'm rather curious why your projects need to be waterproofed.
Dear Karen,
They may not need to be waterproofed.
Some of them are vases, though, and I don't want parents mad at me because paint runs in their homes when they fill them.
Thanks for the reply.
Sense of Wonder
Oh, by the way, the Poly... that you mentioned...get it from an art store? a craft store? a hardware store?
Tripps is available at most all hardware stores, Sense. Good luck!
Dear Sense of Wonder, If you want to make vases to hold water with papier mache you would be better making a mache which allows you to put a glass jar or something similar in your papier mache vase. Papier mache work would not like permanent water! Paint your finished product with estapol or water based varnish to give it a shiny finish and some protection. Good luck
from Junkbusterinc