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Dan Reeder, the paper mache God, has finally joined the 21st century and created a website. He also has a new paper mache book for purchase. Check it out:
Last edited by sebrink (2008-02-27 01:58:48)
Thanks again for the info about Dan. I just got an email from him and we will meet for lunch sometime as he lives inn Seattle, not far from Whidbey Island.
As you know, he was my first inspiration in art and give hum full credit in my bio ...
Thanks again for the lead.
Louie Rochon (uswalker)
Louie Rochon
Wouldn't that be fun ... fly over and lets all have lunch. Better yet, let's all work together on a new sculpture.
If I get a large enough studio in the future, I would love to coordinate a large collaborative sculpture, perhaps starting with a theme (love, compassion, peace, etc) and invite various PM artists to throw in. I would assemble the pieces??? Fun, huh? OK, there is the seed. Lets see what happens from here.
uswalker wrote:
If I get a large enough studio in the future, I would love to coordinate a large collaborative sculpture, perhaps starting with a theme (love, compassion, peace, etc) and invite various PM artists to throw in. I would assemble the pieces??? Fun, huh? OK, there is the seed. Lets see what happens from here.
that's a really awesome idea. People shipping their PM pieces from all over the world to a central artist for assembly. brilliant.
That really does sound like fun. How do I score an invite?
Hi there, I am itching to view the websight of Dan Reeders, but have had a lot of trouble with it. It takes forever to get onto and also to try to access his galleries etc. Is this a problem with anyone else or just me? I have also been trying to get his screamers book in Australia to no avail, and the only library copy is in Western Aus. Just my luck. I just wanted to learn his technique of Cloth Mache, any help would be greatly appreciated.
As far as I am concerned, cloth mache is almost the same as papier mache, but the material doesn't tear!
The cloth doesn't need to be dripping, you can smooth off or squeeze out the excess adhesive. And keep the adhesive quite liquid, no thick gummy stuff.
Have you tried e-Bay Australia for his books?
If you ever get round to the idea Louie, I hope you'll count me in.
Thanks Sue, Yes I have tried e Bay Aust.( and will keep trying). I have also tried every second hand bookstore in the country that's on the net. I can get a copy from the US but it is somewhat of a collectors item now and the cheapest is $48 (used) which is bearable but when you add postage it becomes a bit rich for me. I will plod along and buy Dan's new book and go from there I think. Thanks again.
Okay, I've never been called a "god" before! I did indeed somehow land in the 21st century and found you guys. What a nice surprise! I've already exchanded emails with Jackie and Louie, and I sent one to Kris about my dragon book still being in printer limbo (but slowly moving out). I'm flattered that anyone actually uses my name in the paper mache arena. So I'm here to say that I hope to get to know you all, and thanks to Jackie for noticing I had a site and contacting me.
I'm at my dayjob right now, so I have to go (although I truly love to do purely personal business during my work day). But I'll check back in once and while to see what you all are up to. Thanks for inviting me into your family of artists. It's an honor.
Oh, I forgot, I just use white glue for cloth, the kind you used as a kid in school. Now I buy it at large home improvement stores by the gallon. I dip the cloth directly in the stuff and squeeze out the excess. It really is just paper that doesn't tear. But it really adds strength to a project. And if you paint it with latex paint (basically rubber) it soaks it up and gets the feel of leather, perfect for wings.
Just thought I'd mention it.
Hi Dan, Great to see you on this page. I await your book with delight and thanks for yours, and all the other help I have recieved about your technique on this sight. Please stay with in touch. All of the art I have seen on this and other sights are truly amazing. And thanks to the Good Dog guy too.
Well, well, well. Dan Reeder - a much referred to name. Welcome to the WORLD of papiermache. You will realise, as you browse through the gallery, just how many countries, styles and people are represented. Perhaps you will offer a gallery page of your own which can link, of course, to your website.
Best wishes
(David Osborne)
(dopapier in Forum)
Not papier mache I know but a distantly related cousin [of Dan's creatures] recently landed in Nottingham. It hasn't left yet so must be nesting. … 57181.html
Thanks Charlotte for the link to the beaut dragon, I wish the sculptor would come and have a go in Australia, we could do with some fantasy work.
New modeller, thanks for the link.
A couple of fantastic pieces. I love the designs and the texture he has created in the stainless steel.
"It hasn't left yet so must be nesting." The pair of them look pretty aggressive .... theirs no way I'd poach any of the eggs, I'd probably get fried!
Last edited by foamcutter (2008-03-11 22:26:01)
Cloth Mache - AWESOME! I've used a bit but not much. Maybe I'll put to use all those baby clothes that have stains on them since I hate to throw them out and can't give them away. :-)
Dan's stuff if really cool. Must get his book! And, welcome to the site!