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I know this is somewhat off topic, but I know that you will ALL join me in wishing Jackie a speedy and fast recovery from her fight with the pruning shears that cut open her finger badly.
have to get in tip top shape there Jackie Christmas is around the corner and you will need that finger for the projects!!
I sure hope that it is healing and that you will soon be back PMing real soon.
A BIG thank you also to Ross, without his hard work we wouldnt be able to meet like this. Thank you Ross you are doing a GREAT JOB
Thanks Terry,
My finger's on the mend now. Just as well it is my left hand...but you really need all your fingers when you're sculpting with papier mache don't you? I'm managing to do some, it's just taking me longer than usual!
Hope your's and everyone else's Christmas projects are going well.